Friday, August 20, 2010

How do i restore my task manager?

i have used spyware doctor and avg free to look for viruses nothing was detected until i went into safe mode and found a trojan.downloader.small.cqb and i delteed it but i still cant bring up my windows task manager for some reason can anyone help me?

How do i restore my task manager?panda

From 'Kelly's Tweaks', you need to edit and/or add the following registry keys:



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\... Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Win...


''**del.DisableTaskMgr''='' ''



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft... NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


Also, from same website:

Taskmgr.exe should be listed in the %SystemRoot%\system32 directory. If you cannot find the file, you can extract it from the Windows XP CD. To do so, you can perform the following steps:

a. Insert your Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM.

b. Click Start, Run, type cmd and press Enter.

c. At the Command Prompt mode, type the following command:

For example, if the drive letter of your CD-ROM is F, you can type the following commands:

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  • tried in district courts
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